Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1982. Silly Saturday 189

This little flower isn’t silly...but this morning we realised it was my step daughter’s partner’s birthday and we had forgotten...so cue a flat panic and a raid on my already bought Christmas presents!  I had bought him a t-shirt for Christmas as he loves the ones we get for him so that will have to do for his birthday today...pretty silly that Christmas has come on his birthday!

So far this morning I have made three birthday cards, one condolence card and wrapped three birthday presents...and all before 9am....

My family laugh at me when I start to hoard potential birthday and Christmas presents...I see things for the family and my friends during the year that I know they will like so I buy them and save them until they are needed....and thank goodness I did.  I even have a present saved for my lovely neighbour downstairs as her birthday is early June.  My grandson’s is going to be a challenge though as I never pre buy for him..his birthday is also early June so I will have to start thinking about it so that I can order something and have it arrive in time.

So thank you to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday once again!

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