The Photo Club had a meet at Hyde Park this morning and I made a point of being there early.  The autumn colours were out of this world and being early meant we had the best of the light and there was little or no wind to muck things about.
We all had a laugh when a child's ball in the lake looked like the Corona Virus.  :))  Definitely a funny one for admirer's Silly Saturday challenge.
I know the real Virus isn't funny but when our minds turn to the funny side at the sight of something that gives you a laugh you have to go with it.  :))
The extra gives you a glimpse of some of the colours in the park.
The park was packed with young and old and most of them were holding a coffee cup.  

Thank you for your love for the Caesia flowers yesterday.  Thank you to DonnaWanna for her knowledge in the world of trees and flowers.  X

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