Hanging baskets

For many years, I used to assemble 12 hanging baskets to display around our house. I stopped doing that, telling myself I was "short of time" and instead for several years bought just four for the front of the house. In present circumstances, the "short of time" excuse no longer applies. I have started the process for this year, planting the first four baskets. I will post updates every week or so until they are fully developed.

Today's first listen was prompted by an article in this morning's paper: Kalie Shorr's recently released album "Open Book" on which my favourite track was Gatsby. 

The next stage of my art studies is based on a large book - "Art Since 1900", by four different authors.  It starts with an account of four different perspectives from which works of art can be judged.  The first of these was Psychoanalysis. It was quite hard going - with plenty of long words such as "phenomenology" and "desublimate." 

One work featured was Lee Miller's 1930 photograph Nude Bent Forward, Paris Psychoanalysis is often concerned with visual images in memories, dreams or subject's accounts. The Surrealists drew on such images as ways to trouble assumptions about seeing. This photograph seems to be of a woman's back and the title suggests that but it is also abstract and ambiguous.  

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