Cats and Ramblings

By Evertheoptimist

Pablo and Ellie

This is my other mother and the dog Pablo.

Ellie’s Rachel’s mum and Jesus Christ I can’t begin to tell you the tribulations we have had with her since we’ve been together. She’s much better now but she was a verging alcoholic and caused some right shit in our first year together, a scattering of them were having 2 major strokes due to alcohol and drugs and bringing awful men home who only encouraged her. 3 attempted suicides which I had to clean up after and it was so difficult. For Rachel it was devastating and I think it brought us closer, but all had settled now. Bar the odd moment.

But I love her to bits she’s like a best friend to me too, it’s a weird one.

You’ll have to excuse the state of the house we can’t get anything done with this Lockdown and we moved a day before it started. We’re living in a bare bones house until it’s over but it’s more homely than the last place could ever have been.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

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