Our morning walk.

We went out early thinking there would not be many people about.they must of had the same idea.every one kept their distance.the wild flowers are looking lovely in the hedgerows.we were at the top of the beach and H went to put on his sun glasses and noticed it was minus one lens.they are prescription ones.so we back tracked the way we came and of course two steep hills going back.and no we did not have any luck.these were again like mine a year ago when the lens came out three times .thats specsave.H went to Tesco before xmas for his eye test and the ones he chose with them are reactolite so will see how long these will last.the quality isn't like they used to be with spectacles made cheap even though we chose the expensive pairs.we sat in the garden at lunch time i made us cheese,tomato and chutney toasted sandwiches and a mug of tea.

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