
Today marked the last day for our General Manager, he's been with us 9 years and has made a huge contribution. So, as tradition has it, we had to find an activity, and have a party of course to celebrate his new adventures.

The party, was bowling. OK, we all decided it would be a bit of fun, we dressed in retro 70's gear, or whites, we cooked up 70's food, we drank cheap beer And we played, the competition being rather fierce amongst some. Andy ...

Awesome afternoon, and after 2.5 hours, a few beers, and sweltering 32 degree heat we retired to the clubrooms, for more beer. Yep, bowling is thirsty work!

A great afternoon, but sad obviously to see such a key person, and such a great bloke, go.

Meaning ... the real work starts for me tomorrow as we've chosen not to replace the position right now. Looking forward to it actually, but it's certainly going to be busy.

And in other news, being the tiger for punishment, I've decided to upgrade our home/TV computer to Window's 8 tonight. Mad I know, we've trialed it work and I hated it. Must have been the sun today that has driven me silly. And if you don't know, today is the last day for the $49 upgrade .... $200 tomorrow.

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