
By Bowen

A nice bit of color

So much for sleeping in, for some reason I was awake at 7 am this morning.  I did get out of bed and start up the day.  I was completely out of bird seed and well without bird seed I can't imagine I will continue to have all the lovely birds in my yard so out the door I went.  I actually went to a small bakery in town first, my home town has a mandatory mask thing in effect and the bakery staff gloves up.  They have the most amazing cinnamon rolls and today they seemed to be extra large, I have leftovers for tomorrows breakfast!  Next up was the evil empire known as Wal-Mart for my bird seed of choice.  While there I went through the garden section.  I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination but they had some beautiful columbines and pansies, I also picked up some mint and moss roses.  Coming home when I opened up the garage door going into the back yard I was struck by this amazing poppy!  It's the first of the year to pop and I'm always struck by the color.  I did post a picture of the backside because that was the first bit I saw when I came out of the garage.  I also like the black/purple spots on the back.

My backyard lives by benign neglect, what was planted before is all that is there normally.  The poppies are self seeding and somehow manage to keep coming back.  I do like columbines though and since I managed to kill the ones I planted last year I was happy to pick up a couple more today.  Last year I had planted them under the eves and based on how dry that dirt was this morning I would say that NEVER gets water so note to self through the winter months I'll need to throw some water there for the new columbines.  I planted the moss roses around them for good ground cover so hopefully everything grows in nicely.  The petunias wound up in a planter bowl and the mint was put in a pot because we all know if you give mint an inch it will take over.  While doing a bit of yard work I found a rose plant in the back I didn't even know existed!  It was along the back fence line that normally is just a bunch of weeds that I mow.  This year I have a line of rocks that were pulled out of the yard last supper and for lack of a better place they ended up along the fence line, the rose grew up in between them so if it blooms I'll post pictures.

Hope everyone had a good productive Saturday!

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