
By Eilatanfoto

Not Waving....Dancing!

Sylvia Plath wrote a poem about the demise of hope that has a line that reads something like, "not waving but drowning!" This is my response:

"Not waving but dancing: and dancing fiercly because hope provides the music and makes for an exceptional DJ".

4 days of exceptional music, exceptional art and more significantly than all of that, exceptional company has brought me to the conclusion that even on a bad day, the weather can change and life is suddenly brighter. I think I knew this, but it was nice to see it in action.

I was priveleged to camp with lifelong friends and complete strangers (who may well become life long friends). I got to meet people with extrodinary stories happy to share their tales of travel (and in one instance, fresh blackheart cherries that rate up there with chocolate). I saw people realise their potential and/or gain an understanding of where they are, and I saw people face fear and embrace hope...that takes courage :)

A brilliant and creative mind, and truely inspiring person (whom I adore) told me that Rainbow Serpent Festival is what you make it....for me, it proves there is a reason to dive head first into life!! How can you frown upon a world where there is hope? You can't....best you start dancing :)

Incidentally, this is not a good photo, it's not even close but then, some of the dancing was pretty unique too and like this picture, that made me smile! :)

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