
By Cumbrialass

M wanted some shots of his bonsai to enter for a Virtual exhibition. This morning seemed a good day to try as there was no sun but bright enough. Our 'studio' was the garden. The back cloth was one of Fletch's black fluffy blankets pinned to a frame.  
It was an interesting exercise, trying to get the right exposure, not just on the tree but so that the black background didnt come out grey.

In these days of lock down the last thing we expect is to get a visitor so I've tended to dress accordingly , old pair of track pants, baggy fluffy sweatshirt, no make up . But the gate opened and in walked my ex boss (posting cards from the local church) She was looking as immaculate as always and I was more bag lady. But it was lovely to see her, she hadnt realised I lived there and we ended up having a nice chat..,2 m apart of course. 
At least I wasnt still in my pjs! 

Bridgegate walk with Fletch, still breezy .. 9 times out 10 it is windy here. 

Then back home to choose a photo for this weeks Let's do 52 refraction theme. My turn as my photo last week was chosen.. The standard of photos in the group is getting amazing. My first attempts weren't good. I was going to have another go but somehow I forgot. 

A phone call to my friend who has a birthday  today and with her husband is in isolation because of his health . She seems resigned to it continuing  for a very long time. 

Another friend texted me because the Daily Mail had written a spurious article about our town.  The world news is bad enough without resorting to sensationalist journalism.  Contrary to what the DM says, we are not living in fear. People here remain as good natured as always . In fact probably even more friendlier than usual .

I hope everyone out there in Blip Land is well. Take care xx

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