Mum in the Moment

By muminthemoment

Open heaven

Happy time of worship this morning in the prayer room at Wellsprings. I'm always a bit nervous at the start as I play and sing but I'm learning to let go and slip into the flow His grace more. This morning was fun. Laughter is so good for us. It's like medicine.

We have so much to be thankful for. We have God and He loves us and He wants us to enjoy His presence every minute of the day. The heavens are open and they are staying that way! There is a continual pouring of His goodness, a river of grace and delight.

Today I took a picture of some writing on the wall in the Prayer room.

One of my favourite lines of a song I have been learning at the moment is - There is a fountain full of grace and it flows from Emmanuel's veins.

I will rejoice and be glad.

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