To The Garden Centre

An infra red cloudscape shot on the way to the local garden centre.

Funny story time: We went on our little moped and on the way back got passed out by a guy in black leathers on a very large Yamaha motorcycle. As I turned into our road I noticed a police van parked up ahead at the bus shelter. 400 metres to our gate and as I got there motorbike man roared up behind me. I prepared to turn in and as I did he sounded his siren briefly. Yes, he was a policeman! Must have thought that we turned off just to avoid him and decided to follow. All he wanted to do was to give me a breath test for alcohol. Like it was 1.30pm on a Sunday for goodness sake. Anyway I am probably the only person in Finland who has ever taken a breath test while standing in his own front garden. Happy with the result our man thanked me and rode away. It would have been a miracle if I had failed seeing as how the last glass of wine I had was on March 17th. St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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