
Today's theme for the Dutch lockdown photo class Binnenkijken (= look inside) was 'favourite word'. It's hard to think of a favourite word and even harder to make an image that relates to that word. But transience has been a theme for many of my photographs and even though I know what it means I do like the 'trans' part in it which would relate to changes. Much within nature is so interesting looking at the end of its life cycle but also usually also related to something new. Hence the dandelion seeds and the hydrangea petal skeleton.

Thanks so much for all your Abstract Thursday entries. This coming Thursday the optional theme is 'favourite colour(s)'  and the tag wil be AT256.

Here's the list of last Thursday's specials:
FotoPlay                artful hosta leaves abstract
Andrew44              a maize leaf abstract
HareBrain              beautiful soft greens
lisabet                    a riot of tendrils
deanna_pearce    greens through frosted glass

Thanks so much for all your kind comments and stars for yesterday's dried flower head !

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