
A Blip milestone. 

So much in my world has changed over the time since I started (2012), and so much in the wider world too. 

It is a good time to thank my fellow Blippers for their comments, stars and favourites over the years, but particularly for their Blips. I have always enjoyed being allowed a glimpse into other Blippers’ lives just as I have enjoyed sharing mine. 

At this time it has a special value, as our lives are all constrained to some degree.

I am not always good at replying to comments, so forgive my frequent lapses. I usually mean to, get distracted and then never remember to come back. 

Today has been a routine Sunday. Ironing, Gaelic, Russian, desk work. 

One of those days when conjuring up a worthwhile Blip - without breaking restrictions - was a challenge. 

After dinner I looked at my most popular tags for ideas. “Food” is my all time favourite! Figures. But of course I Blipped my dinner yesterday.

Next most popular has been “sea”. So that was that. Dysart, again. 

The Dock

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