
Was sitting at my computer contemplating how to avoid doing some work, the three dogs were on window watch sitting on the back of the sofa when I spied a group of folks walking up our brae. I knew immediatley that unlike Lochgilphead, the only folks here that walk in numbers more than 4 are the Jehova Witnesses! Dogs started barking, I dived to the floor being as you can see quite clearly into our window and the damn light was on! so I hit the floor and crawled over into the corner where hopefully they wouldnt see me! In the meantime the bloody dogs were doing the wall of death on top of the sofa but instead of looking meanincingly out they were looking to the side surprised at my sudden commando manouvre thus also giving the game away that there was some idiot in the house.
Door bell rung..... I held my breath....dogs went mental....door chime playing Oh Suzanna....Jehovas waited....and waited....then gave up and went away. Phew!. Dont get me wrong I dont dislike them but they all happen to be local to the village and I couldnt look them in the eye again if I spurned them.
Dogs settled, I went back to pretending to work..... next thing a figure in yellow passes by, I think have they changed tactics? This time it was the Cooncil coming to repair the big pot holes on the brae. With them came a lorry with hot tar, then a clangy old road roller creating a cacophony of sound that drove the damn dogs into a frenzy! 10 mins later ....all. was quiet.
Then, I decided to take the dogs out for their plod and Abbie the wee dog yapps like a mad thing so the entire street know when I walk the bloody dogs. Just got out the gate , turned up the road and who should be standing on the corner? ......you guessed it.... a huddle of Jehovas who all turned round at the same time ( a Stepford wives moment) and gave me that look that said YOU BAD person you WERE in the whole time!
I slunk off trying to kick Abbie into stunned silence!
Happy blipping all

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