
Old style black and white ... and red.  AW loves roses and has made some shots himself.  Our weather has been consistently good.

Began with the third Molecular Biology MOOC today and it is a tough one.  Nonetheless, with enough concentration, and a load less gaming, it should be manageable.  I am enjoying myself thoroughly.  There is just so much about our bodies that is worth our time to discover.

In the outside world, the younger children are back at school, at least 50% of them as some parents prefer to be cautious, and with good reason.  Our museums and zoos and some theatres, too, all with social distancing rules, which, apparently, will be the norm for quite a while.  Our curve ... what curve?  The country has weathered the storm rather well and we're slowly getting back on our feet.  That said, the latest news is that we still won't be allowing any foreigners in and we're still cautious about going out.  That doesn't have to be a negative thing at all.

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