MonoMonday Challenge 330 - High Key

Fun theme today!  A hard decision to choose one photo.  So I have added two extras for fun.  I didn't stick around long enough to see what the pizza guys were debating, but I can just imagine it has to do with the pizza dough.  So, what's your secret?  Thin and crispy or thick and yeasty....  hmmm.... One could debate this for ages...

I had to go out around noon today for an errand and made a bit of reportage on the first day with stores, beauty salons and restaurants opening...  Not as many people out as I thought would be.  There were twice as many people about yesterday!

The bright sun made for some good hard shadows and perfect to play with the high key settings in SilverEffects, which I haven't used in ages.

Good fun.  Nice to be out and capture some street scenes.

Thanks to Carolina for hosting this month's MonoMonday Challenge.

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