It's a flower.....and it's very red!
The first poppy to bloom in my garden this year :))
Mum and I finished the potting today - at last! It should be quite a display once it's established!
The rest of the day has been mostly Zoom meetings. Coffee with my Monday friends this morning and juggling a camera club meeting and a book club meeting this evening. Unsurprisingly, the camera club meeting was the one that captured my attention - I mostly left Mum with the book club :). The CC meeting is going on as I type - it's on composition and actually very good but I'm not sure I've learned anything new (except where to find the crop overlay tool in Lightroom) - always good to look at great photos though and be reminded why they work!
Today's blip for my b&w journal
Many thanks for all the great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's scorpion fly!
Ann :))
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