
By seddon


This morning we did pe with Joe, Chloe enjoyed the squats and managed to do 3 together without falling over!
Made a plan for the weeks homeschooling, leaving tomorrow free for Thomas's birthday celebrations. Thomas got on and completed today's work whilst me and Chloe built some towers.
I went to morrisons, lots of silly people in gloves and masks - what is the point if you're not going to use them properly?! Pulling your mask down from the front and wiping your mouth with your gloved hand whilst declaring that you can't breathe properly does not count. And the sad thing is that these people probably think they're quite safe in their PPE!
This afternoon Marie, Sophie and joshua came for a social distancing gift exchange. It was lovely to see them! Auntie rie says Chloe looks like a bit of a bruiser... Definitely have to agree with her!!
Mum came round later on as she's working tomorrow. She brought Thomas a cake with a candle in and a badge ready for tomorrow. Chloe got very frustrated that she couldn't go up to grandma and give her kisses and cuddles!
Me and Ben have set up banners and balloons this evening ready for Thomas in the morning.
How is my baby boy 6?!?!?

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