
By simisue


I don't remember it ever raining here in May before, but it is very welcome, even though we had to dig out our rain coats to walk Angus & Scout.
Today, I took Scout for her annual physical at the Vet, where the procedures have all changed.  When I arrived, I called & they came out to get her.  Then, the Vet called me to confer, & I paid over the phone.  After about an hour 
they brought Scout to the car.  She was very happy to see her partner in crime, Angus, who anxiously awaited her return.  

While I was waiting, I found this lovely overgrown grouping of 
LAMB'S  EARS, aka, SILVER CARPET (STACHYS Byzantina) that is just starting to bloom.  I am posting it in honor of all the lovely lambs that have appeared in blips recently.  

Our Vet has a front garden with a winding path leading to the front door.
All along are interesting flowers, trees & shrubs that were once lovely, but have been neglected.  These LAMB'S EARS don't seem to mind & have spread, forming a silvery carpet..  They have the classic silver, velvety foliage that shimmers in the rain; & TINY pinkish  flowers.  I am not usually a fan of them, but these wild beauties may change my mind.

LAMB'S EARS are a common perennial in flower beds everywhere we have lived in the US, so it is surprising they are native to the Middle East.  Maybe it is popular here in California, because we have many Middle Eastern immigrants, or because it is drought tolerant, tolerates poor soil, & thrives in full sun. It's name relates to the shape & texture of the leaves, which feel & look like a lamb's ear.  It makes a good ground cover, so they say.

My research says the soft velvety leaves can be used as a "band-aid"
to help wounds heal; & to relieve bee stings.  Maybe I will sneak back &
take a cutting....

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