Rip Grandad Rob

Max’s stepfather passed away from COVID-19 having had a stroke in the nursing home where he had been living for about a year, he had dementia and lots of other problems, he was not happy and had actually expressed a desire to die, he was 81. His three children decided they would like to have a funeral, Max’s mother Gill was not able to go for obvious reasons and neither were we, Max, Zebedee, Gulliver and I sat on the roof terrace and logged into the Crematorium website where we watched it online on the laptop, it was a surreal experience to say the least. At some point in the future hopefully the family will get together for some sort of memorial.

I know this is a terrible picture but it’s the only one I’ve got.

In other news I had a lovely daily walk with Max, did some recording, did some admin, lovely risotto for dinner and some comedy TV with the kids in the form of Karl Pilkington an idiot abroad.

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