Males cooking

Coincidently both daughters sent me photos of the men and sons cooking dinner. I know it’s not in the spirit of blip as I didn’t take the originals, but I’m using this as my diary, and I did edit them!

James and his dad on the left, making chilli. James had to go for his swimming goggles as the onions made his eyes water. On the right, Nathaniel is helping his dad make tofu.

Yesterday Ella and Nathaniel wanted to go to an Edwardian school so they had to write with quills (lucky I gave them porcupine ones I found South Africa). Ella being left handed got hers all smudgy so the Edwardian teacher told her to sit on her hand. They did x tables and then the sickos said they should get the cane for being naughty. Poor daughter is supposed to be doing her own teaching work on-line. The teacher-bashing tabloids think they should all be back in class. Our curve up here hasn’t started to go down yet.

I’ve had to virtual chats today, with Carole in Ipswich and Lynne in Alnwick. Tonight a drink with Linda and Colin. I hope Zoom behaves tomorrow as I’ve booked a session for a birthday.

Had a good walk round the moor after the rain stopped, did some memoirs and cooked for tonight.

Off to read my book, do please stay alert.

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