Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 59 In school

Today was my in school work day. There were 22 children today, a big rise from last week. During after school club time I went and reorganised my classroom ready for 1st June when we're supposed to start back with Year 1, Reception and Year 6 children. I got rid of loads of chairs and spread the desks as much as possible to fit 12 children in safely. There are still many unanswered questions about how we can manage this safely with so many children in school and the atmosphere amongst staff was one of genuine concern today. We're currently compiling a list of questions for management so it's a case of watch this space! I'm still hoping for an about turn in this decision.
After school Chris and I went for a walk around the block before tea. It felt damp but the rain held off.
In the news today, there were 160 deaths and the government have employed 21,000 people to conduct contact tracing. They still haven't decided which type they prefer though and it's all still being trialled on the Isle of Wight.

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