Life in Lockdown Cottage.

Wine and Pringles and the sun isn't yet over the yard arm...

But I can't leave you with just that. The shape of this (and all other) pringles is a hyperbolic paraboloid, and to the sticklers for detail it is cheese and onion, the first bottle of wine is a Shiraz.. The extra is the container  the salty fried potato starch snack came in. I rather like the extra, the foil seal makes a most satisfying noise as it is torn open. 

I recalibrated my pringle quotient (the number of pringles you can eat before you realise that  you never want to eat another ever again) I was down from 23 to 17. It isn't a constant it varies depending on the % alcohol of the wine. Yep that's as good as it got.

Stay safe. Hopefully not long to go now before we can all gather together and howl at the moon.

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