Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo


Another muddy walk, another showering of the under carriage!!cant wait for summer and dry paths and dogs.

About a month ago I started getting pains in one side of my lower back, I just put it down to cold weather and as it was just every so often a sharp stabbing pain I waited for it to disappear, thankfully it did that was until yesterday and I realised it was more than cold weather that was causing this amount of pain, I had an emergency appointment last night and was told it could be nerve related or a kidney stone, so I'm now waiting for an appointment for a scan and I am living on strong pills.

I also was given a magazine article today about dog awards for dogs that make a difference.... Well I've got to give Roo ago haven't I?

Also please all go and have a look at Cheese-tastic (HannahDV) blip tonight its amazing...

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