
By Dudders

Reflective Times

A very different type of post this morning.

I first 'discovered' this amazing chap Keith Lyons some 12 years ago when I happened to come across a new blog post from, what I thought was an all Australian educator. Only later did I realise he had moved to Australia only in 2002. I never met Keith; the one time we had planned to meet here in the UK we were thwarted by delayed flights. However we conversed regularly my e-mail and through exchanges on the comment stream to one of his many fascinating blog posts.

Sadly he passed away last week following a prolonged illness and his funeral was this morning (UK time); late afternoon in Canberra, half a world away. However technology allowed many of his friends to join him on his last journey.

I was reminded of two things this morning: You only every laugh with people, never at them and for a generation who knew the words of Abide With Me, it was a way of remembering at football matches, those who were absent and would not be returning.

Keith Lyons, an individual once known, never forgotten 

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