Saturday Yellow

The yellow iris growing in the water at the back of the house was today's shooting target.  It's a shady area with the willow tree dominating the small space, but nonetheless very cozy.  Yellow isn't my favourite colour, but those plants have been there since the Triassic period, so who am I to pull them out.

Finished the Molecular Biology MOOC!  What a load ... haha!
My marks for this series -- 9.5 / 9.7 / 9.7 ... and if I want 10 credits from the University of Aberdeen I can pay to be allowed to take their official exams, something which I don't have to go for.  I sometimes wonder how things would have gone if I had done this 30 years ago -- actually go for a career in this field.  Of course, we'll never know, and there is no more urgency, anyway.  That said, it was a lot of fun, more than I had expected.  On Monday, there'll be a short MOOC on the biological aspects of Psychology and it'll be done quickly, exam and all, and then I can take my time again with Mendelian Genetics.  Yes, there's enough, more than enough, to fill my time.

I have also been thinking of windmill-hunting again.  Now that restrictions are being relaxed, very gradually (our reward for being so cooperative all this time and squashing our curve to pieces), revisiting some really beautiful ones sounds like a good idea.  It should be possible to do this by the beginning of June, maybe one or two days a week, with or without AW in tow, although a little drive should do him some good, too.

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