1986. Lockdown hairstyle....
Having had my hair cut short in March as I knew the lockdown was on it’s way...my hair has grown out so much that I now have a fringe covering half of my face! I tried pushing it back with a headband yesterday but it was sticking out all over the place and just looked pretty silly....so this morning I washed it and blow dried it back the way so that I could use the headband and not have it looking like a bird’s nest...so here is my newest lockdown hairstyle....actually joking apart, I’ve pretty much decided to grow it out a little longer as I doubt I’ll get near a hairdresser until at least mid-June if I’m lucky. My hairdresser has already been in touch and told me that he is going to operate a one in open out policy when the salon reopens...whenever that is.
The other amazing thing about today...(well my hairstyle isn’t that amazing!) is that I am wearing a summer dress..yes I said “summer” and it’s not baltic outside and I am actually not cold either....I’m sure normal Scottish weather will resume soon but a couple of days of warm weather would be so nice....
Thank you for all your kind wishes about my tummy upset....I think I am over the worst and actually felt hungry this morning which is always a good sign...or maybe not as my next big plan is my post-lockdown dietary changes to get back down to my pre-lockdown weight...but that’s for another week....
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