Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Who Could It Be Today I Wonder?

Today’s picture is of Dougal and Florence, because it is my nine-year blip anniversary. I took a variety of pictures, but in all of them, one or the other was looking away from the camera; well they are cats and have a mind of their own. This was the best, even though Dougal looks a little startled.
Another Blipper, who no longer blips, directed me to this site. I did not intend continuing after I had finished the Open University photography module I was studying. Now I cannot image life without blipping every day.
Thanks go to all who visit, comment, sprinkle stars and hearts as well as those who pop in now and again. Special thanks go to the team who keep this site running; we would not be here without you.

The weather app I use for my temperature blanket states that the temperature today will be twenty-five degrees Celsius at GMT noon. If it various by one degree either way, it will still be an orange stripe.

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