My purple flowers have done really well this year. Usually the slugs get them or I accidentally pull them out when weeding!!!
Early walkies today as it was so hot. Bellas coat is really thick at the moment so she also gets very hot. We didn't go far.
Quiet day in my 'sewing room' aka the office. The light is good in there.
Having not driven further than 5 miles in 8 weeks, I'm all set for 472 miles tomorrow to help bury my mother. I have decided to go. The Natural Burial ground owners have given us permission to hang about for a picnic after they have "tucked her in" so I can spend a little bit of time with my brother and son before heading back home again. I will be taking pictures and my sister in law will be live steaming to my sister in Australia.
I just hope I manage to find a toilet open someone along the way!!
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