
By Ferjen

Another tree stump

This is my next garden project, yep, another tree stump. This one is in the backgarden and its huge. It was a very big connifer that had already been cut down to fence height when we moved in, but we had it cut down lower. The ground here is much higher than the rest of the garden so I am trying to level it off as much as possible and this has exposed a lot more of the stump. I like it and I am going to make this one into a little fairy garden with fairy doors, toadstools and colourful pebbles around it. It is going to take me a good few days yet of digging along though. The girls were happy playing on the climbing frame and the paddling pool today so I could get on for a while.

I'm feeling quite anxious at the moment and can feel it inside and my heart race is a bit fast. I am feeling overwhelmed with work, partly the consequence of shorter hours for 2 months and generally being busy, I am worrying about the choice of sending the girls back to preschool soon and the balance of this with work and keeping our jobs to make ends meet. I have also taken on too much other stuff and over committed as usual, there are not enough hours in the day and once 8pm arrives I am too tired to do anything productive. Sorry for the moan, I'd just like to have a break from adulting for a couple of days...

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