Lala's Journal

By Lala

Lone Rose

This rose, beautiful though it is belongs to a very unhealthy plant. My gardener told me a couple of years ago that it was way past it’s prime, but I couldn’t bring myself to chop it. It’s tucked round the back of the house and today I saw it had one lone bloom.

I made steak and kidney pie today, from scratch (well, not quite, the puff pastry lid was from a bought pastry, but who wants to put themselves through the agony of making puff pastry)!  It was the first time in about 30 years I had made one but was every bit as good as I used to make! Alf loved it too! I also used up the egg whites I had and made meringues, and the ganache. I’m wondering if I’ve lost the plot! This is so unlike me! 

Mr L slightly better, and was at least up to making breakfast! Dog still walking on three legs for most of the day, but this evening I noticed he was putting the paw to the floor occasionally, so hoping that whatever the problem, it’s on the mend! 

Several chats today with Carol ( who’s dad aged 92 passed away last night) Sue, Moira and  Deb. FaceTimed with Stalker

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