Pancakes please!

Today we woke up refreshed! I was in bed by 10.30
And melody slept right thro and we woke at 6.30 proper rested! Amaze!
Swimming this am - good lesson - we did circuits - melody is getting over her water wobbles and kept jumping in and going under happily :) after missy Lucy Melody and I went in jacuzzi - the girls lived having a half hr splash about after - then we went for coffee
Home for nap and then group - we made pancakes with yog and fruit fillings (melody only ate the yog!) which was distressing for me coz I was dying to polish it off as I only had an apple for lunch! Sash round after as builders in hers - Made risotto for dinner - love arborio rice and then did exercise video - righteous! Mike had big row with his boss about working weekends - he doesn't want too!

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