Jersey Bean

By jerseybean


Today I feel very grateful.

I've spent a beautiful day with my gorgeous daughter, who made me a lovely card at school and kept it hidden all weekend and went with her dad to buy me some flowers.

Others weren't so lucky today. Hearing the news of Jade Goody this morning, my heart went out to those two little boys who wouldn't be spending this day with their mum. I am a similar age to Jade and my daughter is only a bit older than her eldest boy and having had smear tests refused because of my age, it makes me think how easily it can happen.

My daughters paternal grandmother died at 22 of cervical cancer leaving behind a 1 and 2 year old, so it is a subject close to our hearts.

I had a few pics but went with this one as its the symbol for Marie Curie Cancer Care so seemed very fitting for whats on my mind today.

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