
Shadow spends a fair amount of time at my place. He'd spend a lot of time inside if he could. I don't encourage it.

He's very cute and brimming with personality. Sometimes he and The Girlfriend play in the garden while I work. As soon as Jasper appears, that's it. The Girlfriend is forgotten.

Shadow adores Jasper. It's a rough and tumble kind of friendship. Sometimes the friendship part appears strained. But they both come back for more.

A few days ago I stopped to chat to man as I walked Jasper around the block (no lead, he trots along behind me). He saw Jasper and told me that he'd been outside watering and when he went back inside, Jasper and another cat were sitting watching tv.

"Was the other cat a little fluffy arrangement?“.

Yep, Jasper and Shadow.

Today's gratitude: For a successful presentation.

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