
By HeartFreek

60 000th birthday!

Day 31

End of January already and I have managed the full 31 days of blipping!

I know this is a terribly boring blip, but my beloved car had its 60 000th birthday today!! I have had it from when it was born. I love my car very much and it has special meaning to me (a divorce present to myself - long storey)

I can't believe I have only had it 2 and a half years and already its done this many miles!!! Ive been carefully watching the clock, hoping I was able to pull over safely once it clocked 60 000, luckily there was a petrol station right next to me as it did!!!

Please see me through to the next 60 000 miles without too much expense little 1 series. PLEASE!

10 degrees today, (as you can see on the clock!!! - along with the confetti heart!!!) with long sunny spells but very windy.


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