
By Cully

How now brown brow?

Much easier day at work today, so been dreaming of my hols.

Finished work and went to get my eyebrows waxed for the first time. What do you think? It was a bizarre experience. I am never good with small talk but thought if she asks me if I have a holiday planned I should be fine. Instead she asked me if I was married? I said no a little offended, I must be starting to look my age.

She then asked me what I was doing for valentines day? I thought that was an odd question but I politely said I was going on holiday and would be in Paris for valentines day, she enthusiastically replied ohhh how lovely do you think he will propose under the Eiffel Tower?! Now, I have never met this girl before and I never mentioned there was a significant other. I am starting to think Si has set me up on a channel four secret documentary so we get a free holiday and perhaps a free ring - we will just have to wait and see!

Next beauty stop: Claires to rescue these awful nails!

Two more go-to-beds and a whole month of blipping complete!

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