Thursday: Update

The llama (see yesterday) is coming along nicely.  And, yes, I am absolutely scraping the blip barrel but I’m so glad I’m not alone in this.  It is lockdown, after all.  

Two things to share:

i) Despite repeated protestations to each other, we are rubbish at going out for walks.  We just can’t seem to get ourselves together for aimless neighbourhood wanderings.  We’re better when we have a purpose.

ii) K. says she has never seen my hair so long.  It’s also turned out to be quite thick and curly.  She’s going to cut it this weekend so no self portrait coming, I’m afraid.


My reading pace is definitely still up.  I’ve just finished ‘Slouching Towards Bethlehem’ by Joan Didion.  I do wonder how I haven’t read this years ago - I loved was great throughout but my favourite essay was ‘Goodbye To All That’ about living in New York and then leaving.  My two favourite extracts:

‘ seems to me that those days before I knew the names of all the bridges were happier than the ones that came later,......’ 

This is something that K. and I absolutely identify with - our favourite time is always the first few months in a new city when it takes a while to figure things out and everything is a bit strange.  

And the following (about New York):

‘I began to cherish the loneliness of it, the sense that at any given time no one need know where I was or what I was doing’

I so identify with that.  When I travel alone, I can find large cities incredibly liberating but also incredibly lonely, but in a positive way.

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