busy day...I met my chemo nurse on facetime in the morning, she’s lovely and told me lots of useful info. we saw keith who came to drop of this beautiful cardigan that sarah knitted me. I absolutely love it. I’m going to wear the hell out of it. here I am modelling it with my jammies and a very dodgy sock and croc combo! hey, it’s post-op lockdown chic.
nice to chat to keith too from the end of the lane.
went to the surgery to give blood and we drove up to our wee church after. it was such a nice day and it was good to go out in the car. mick came to collect some of my stones that his wife sonia had bought and karen dropped off a healing stone for me - I’d been hoping she would so I could take it in with my next week. she must have known. we all sat in the sun after tea, it was really hot at the back door...then crashed on the couch in front of the telly.

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