A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Drip blip.

Well it would appear that the end of the day has been reached and nothing to traumatic has happened!

Started off with a very rude awakening on account of an impulse-downloaded alarm clock app ("I can't wake up!" it's called...I think only people who really struggle waking up should download it)...which was subsequently uninstalled 5 minutes later.

Stumbled about in a bit of a daze, half getting ready for work and half looking for my thumb ring. Which I have a horrible, horrible feeling might have removed itself from my finger while I put the bins out the back last night. Though I'm still hoping that wasn't the case..

After Tuesday's shift I wasn't completely looking forward to today's shift with the same service user. It was a slightly shaky start when the council bus came in and there is myself and another member of staff both waiting there to meet said SU off the bus. Woops. Double booked.

Staffing confusion aside and me being the one nominated to stay (something to do with casual workers having to be paid anyway) the shift continued...well! I had planned to go to the Museum in the city so that's where we headed, despite the rain. We got a wee bit wet and the Museum didn't quite provide as much entertainment as I had hoped. But it went well :)

Back to the centre, SU dropped off and it was time for me to head back towards the city to get back to my flat... Probably in the wrong team!

Couple of hours of sorting and organising, making/eating dinner (& simultaneously making tomorrow's lunch - hurrah!) then off to CU :)

Had a wee giggle at the start...and a further giggle towards the end...joy! Great talk (LOVE when a passage you're familiar with still brings up new and exciting things to notice) and getting excited about events week.

Now, however, I am most certainly ready to stop! First, to get organised for tomorrow as it will be another going from one thing to the next day :)

Totally stole Erin's idea for this...

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