If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Red Squirrel.

After all the good weather the morning came as a shock.  I had wakened up in the night and wondered what the little noise I could hear were.  Turning over I went back to sleep.  When I got up I realised the noise had been rain!   I must have forgotten what it sounds like.

The day got no better, blowing a hooley and raining.   I could almost see the plants smiling.  As the day went by I was hoping for a lull in the rain and the wind happening together.   Clearly that wasn't going to happen!

The Squirrel came along and and saved the day.  Fortunately it was the individual which happily sits and eats rather than snatching and running.  So I managed to ease open the door and get shots.  This shot caught it lifting the kernel out of the shell.

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