Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Bean Warehouse ready for paint

Well almost.  I have gone as far as I can before my shipment of strip wood arrives.  You can see on the Bean Warehouse the holes are ready for the doors and windows, but the edge trim is not on.  There will be wood edging for both the Bean and Feed warehouses roofs, and the edges of the false fronts.  The strip wood should be here shortly - I hope.  Never know these days with the amount of packages (mostly from Amazon) that are clogging our post office.  In our little town of 18,000 there are thousands of packages piled high in the post office.  A wonder we get anything.

The Bean Warehouse will be painted light gray with a dark gray band at the foundation - also to be sheathed with strip wood.  The windows and doors are painted white.   I also need to ready the corrugated roofing - a scale Wild West paper product that gets painted the same light gray.  And heavily weathered.

While I am waiting , I have a good start on the Montezuma Creamery - the third warehouse in the scene - just to the left of these two.   It will be fun as well - sheathed in light green corrugated siding and roof, with a white false front wall and even a porch.  Always another project to fill the time. 

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