
By Transitoire


So between two of us we had the required three bad lucks to break the cycle this morning!
1. Thibaud slept through his alarm
2. Somehow the shower head managed to detach itself from the shower
3. We both got stuck in the rush hour traffic of Caen, complete with "Norman Drivers" whose reaction times at traffic lights are not particularly satisfactory...I managed to just get into school on time thanks to a lucky shortcut remembered from the night before, which was lucky as I am actually the sole teacher for the class and not the assistant!

So after a little panic in the morning, the rest of the day was pretty tranquil! Once I was in with the quatrième INTER we finished 'Up' and decided the next film would be...'Tangled'. I must point out at this point that it is not me who chooses the films, but the students, as it is both my class and theirs. I would hate for them to be doing something that they didn't more animated films it is. For me it is great, as with the other classes (especially the cinquième) it is an uphill struggle to find a film that is both age appropriate, and that they want to see! I also seem to have attracted another student from another class, who just wants to come along to "watch"...they were no trouble, and I would be happy to have them again, the more the merrier!

Next was a long awaited catch-up with Baptiste (pictured) feels like forever since I have seen him, and his view on life and sense of humour was very very welcome. Last time I saw him was a fleeting visit at the Manifestation where I was so tired and sore that I could barely understand English, let alone French! Back to the present anyhows. Time flew by, and before both of us knew it, it was lunchtime. For some reason I always feel really comfortable talking in French with Baptiste, more so than other people...and that makes it so much easier to find words and talk more fluently. I think the fact that he expects me to be able to understand and speak actually makes me understand and speak better...I can't explain it very well, apologies! Was so lovely to finally catch up on both our lives, and get his opinion on some of the things that have been annoying/worrying me lately.

After a quick pit-stop at home for lunch, it was back out to see the gorgeous Dana. Again, it has been so long since I saw her, and it was more than wonderful to finally find a time we could both manage and again, finally catch up! Both of our lives have been rather eventful fact, some of the events are so similar our feelings on them didn't even need to be discussed. I am going to be so upset when she has to leave to go back to Germany for her final term at university. I guess a little tourist trek to Germany may have to be on the cards!

My evening, bar having musical discussions with Kendra (this song proves that any song can sound good if covered in the right way!), was spent doing all the work I would usually be doing over the weekend, as this weekend is special. This weekend I am going to stay with one of my close university friends who lives in Amiens...and in a very lucky coincidence we will also meet up with another of our good friends who lives just outside of Amiens. Two for the price of one, I am a lucky lady! These girls are also hopefully the ones who I will be living with in our fourth year at will be great to see them and see how their years are going...cannot wait.

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