Welsh Poppies blowing in the wind

Brought some seeds home from a holiday in Wells over 30 years ago, now they have colonised my garden and grow in every nook and cranny they can find.

What a wild and windy day today was, no rain except last night, and quite sunny.

We made an inner for the manger window box with some really strong thick black plastic, left by the builder chap who did the conservatory floor and walls. and we salvaged the straw for the front of it and filled it with compost and it held great, so planted up my cherry red geraniums, hope they look ok when they come out.

Had a word with the vet re Molly's blood test and urine test they are not doing them yet so she said possibly in a months time, but who knows how long before they will be back to doing them, so I asked for a prescription for her tablets but they will only do it for a month in case the dosage changes, it's still cheaper to get them off the internet even with the exorbitant cost £12 for the prescription and that's before buying the tablets.

Well another week ending and it's a bank holiday weekend they tell me, but it will all be the same to me.

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