
My, "I'm ok, I'm very grateful, things are alright" veneer smashed to bits when a human breathed on my front door this morning. 

Well crap. 

And then another human came and breathed on our door. 

All the news is bad. I've read a lot of apocalyptic fiction and seriously, we've totally jumped the shark. This story should have ended when we got to Murder Hornets.  

I even meditated but really, thank goodness for the woods. Tonight I went to the woods and listened to the birds and insects and frogs and squirrels. I saw my boyfriend deer again. I heard a very dramatic bird being very dramatic repeatedly. For a while the frogs were quite loud while they flirted with each other. 

I know the extra looks like I spent hours planning and really put Prince Samuel's training to good use. It turns out that this toy is his and I just didn't get it, so I had about one second to get the picture before the cat disappeared. 

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