
By simisue


We have walked by this car many times, when it was covered up, & we
assumed it was a treasured & pristine sports car.  This time when we walked by, I stopped abruptly because I was shocked for a variety of reasons.

First, the "Great Reveal" showed a sports car with its battery on the driveway, not a sleek '57 Chevy.  There are many fun car shows in LA, with lots of great vintage cars.  Somehow, I don't think this 1 will be there anytime soon.

The second reason I stopped is, I have fond memories of this car,
THE SUNBEAM ALPINE.  When I was a girl, my father own a white  
convertible 2-seater & he took me for a ride once in awhile during the Summer he owned it.  

The Sunbeam Motor Car Company, originally British owned, has a long & storied history; but, by the time this car belonged to my father, it had seen better days & was not operational for very long.  My Mother preferred a vehicle that actually started up.  By the time the cold Midwestern Winter arrived, that cute convertible was parked in front of someone else's house.

My Father also briefly owned a baby blue SIMPCA, but the is another story....

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