
By TheBigCheese1

Apple Tree

Well before The Dopski was born (10+ years) The Dadski bought me an apple tree which has been trying desperately to stay alive in a pot in the back garden.  During our tidying, I took it into school and another member of staff planted it in the garden.  Look at it go!!! Lots of green leaves, flowers.....what soil does for you is amazing!  LOLs.  Glad it is finally happy.

Heard this morning that my member of staff who had a ‘random’ test last week has tested positive for Coronavirus, with NO symptoms at all.  She only did the test out of civic duty!  Completely knocked her for six.  This is the same situation as Big Bro who had a test in order to donate blood and came back positive with NO symptoms!   This virus is seriously scary.

Anyway, as my staff member had been in school last Thursday on the key worker rota, whilst having the virus ( as we now know) we have all been exposed due to the key worker children.  So I have told everyone they need to go and get tested.  We are due to be closed tomorrow and Friday due to no demand from the key workers, so I have shut school for Thursday too.  I’ve advised the key worker children get tested too, whether they do or not who knows?  I do know that due to this governments decisions I will have to take my little girlie to have a test with me tomorrow.  Not telling her until tomorrow as she will be very scared.

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