
Wouldn't it be hilarious if these rhododendrons were called mondays instead?  They almost look like hydrangeas.  A reasonable zoom as they were about 50 meters away in someone's backyard across a canal.

A new MOOC today which I'd like to finish by tomorrow, complete with exam, which I intend to pass.  It's a 2-week course very doable in two days.  A bit of a push should do it.

AW playing club bridge online, as has been the case this past month.  We both doubt the clubs will be seeing each other anytime soon.  The next real meeting will most likely take place in September.  Neither of us mind.  His Monday partner online is the same as his Monday real life bridge partner, and that's Hennes, the one who had a stroke 1.5 years ago.  It would appear that Hennes is no longer as sharp as he used to be, and we think that that's because of the stroke.  He's being very brave, though, just going on the way he's always done.

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