Adam's Images

By ajt

Another rose

I'm not sure where today went...?

I dismantled an IBM keyboard and washed the plastic bits, and hung it on the line to dry in the sun and the wind. Sadly my wife didn't notice it next to a towel and tablecloth and walked into it... Thankfully she had her bike helmet on at the time and wasn't hurt. If it had been IBM Model M keyboard the helmet would have lost....!

I then copied all the files off her college laptop onto her desktop system, so she has a copy of everything, nearly 60Gb of stuff - quite surprising what you can generate in less than a year.

Next I reinforced a pair of chairs, they were badly designed, the dowel and the bolt were put the wrong way round so over time the wood twists and eventually comes apart... One had already been repaired after a break, but I thought it was flexing too much, so it's not got some steel bracing. While I had the tool box out I thought I may as well reinforce the other before it broke.

I then realised I could clean another keyboard (drying on the line as I type) and then I put the original one back together but with some sound deadening foam inside. I love these old IBM keyboard, but there are tad clicky...!

Finally I went out for a blip, and today's blip is another rose, this side on the other side of a large shrub from yesterday's. This one goes big and floppy when it's fully open, but when it's opening it's very pretty and it smells very nice. Yesterday's rose holds it's shape well, but has a rather classic rose perfume (old fashioned soap smell my wife says..).

Now it's time for pizza, bonsoir mes camarades !

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