My husband bought himself a new motorcycle yesterday. This is the very first time to ride.
Behind of the motorcycle you can see my car that I bought in winter. Some new equipment to play with.
Summer is here, +-19c and windy.
My shorts have been shrinked in the closet during the winter. They do not fit me anymore. I cried this to my husband and told him how I have destroyed my body shape. He said, that maybe I just have moved to "the inner beauty phase" in my life.
So I went to local cheap supermarket and found some Capri shorts. It seems that whales do wear Capri shorts only.
Many people out there in the afternoon also in local beach area wearing shorts and t-shirts. Also I did, try shorts, but found it better to keep long summer trousers...
I have bought earlier also a new natural cosmetic lotion for face. Last night I tried it. No scents, so it smells a bit like mud. Or moss. Anyway I do not notice any changes on my skin after one night.
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