Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


This silly giraffe is guarding the door of a gift shop that has been closed since March.  It's a small business so I really hope that they will be able to reopen.  The silliest thing about this is that I forgot my camera card yet again.  This time I was in the car and my extra card was in my purse.  My purse, however, was on my desk at home.  I've only been using a small change purse that fits in my pocket since all I need is my license and credit card.  Now I've decided that I will move the extra card to my change purse because that's always with me, even on the bike.  Hopefully, that will take care of the problem!  Many thanks to Admirer for faithfully hosting Silly Saturdays!

Besides my short excursion to look for a blip and pick up milk at the store, I had another lazy day.  Three of my library holds (audiobooks) all came up at the same time.  I didn't want to go to the end of the waiting list again, so I checked out all of them.  I have three weeks so I should be able to finish them.  I started the first one a few days ago and I didn't really like it but I decided to give it a chance.  I worked on my latest puzzle and listened to about 70% of it today.  I still don't like it but now I have too much time invested in it to stop.  I hope the other two are better! 

I am grateful that my phone has a decent camera because I seem to be using it a lot lately! ;-)

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